It's been a long time since I touch this blog of mine
Love this picture. It was taken during sunrise, mentioned in deviantart.com
I have been working during holidays
just started my 3rd year in RP
Time flies.
Slowly my FYP project will be creeping me out
I would want to break free.
so sad that I can't go ipoh during my 2weeks break
Unless everything follows the timeline
which is highly unlikely.
wouldn't want to drag my team down,
by me going overseas.
4 more days to go
May Day, public holiday
1 1/2 years ago, at City Hall Mrt
you stuttered and grab my arm.
I would never forget.
Love never fails. (1 Cor 13: 8a)

I'm happy today (:
your presence = simple happiness
I love you, dear.

He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar pillow...
you shocked me.
you are not the one I know of.
this is not you. today.

HAPPY 16th Month, my love (:
our first love
till the end.
14 more days to 500th day.