woohoo...LasT dae le...buT e kids so cute...heehee..bu se de...hahaz...todae i nearly fall apart...becos 4 gals wanted me 2 be wif them at e same...I was lyk a toy being snatch by many kids...hahaz...tis show tat e kids lyk me a lot...(grinnig away) I had frog leg porridge....yummy...e kids was lyk eeking away when i am eating...cos we visited e frog farm yesterday...den they do their worksheet...they were veri fast..then dunnoe wat 2 do wif them...finally WeiJie came 2 my rescue..haha...he help me handle e kids..well..he is e game leader ferr e DVBS..so shuld be able 2 keep them occupied..
Breakfast Time...Lenadra & sze Ann eating e sea creatures biscuits...

hmmm...they look lyk twins..buT They r nT..juz lyk Jane & linlin..
AunTie Jorinda is scooping e porridge ferr TiTus..
This cuTe gal ish FaiTh..
Looking aT their scorecard...*blink blink*
example of e scorecard...
tis guy looking aT camera ish Joash...
Lunch Time~*
Gracia & Alicia....
sleepy Wei Jie....
Melissa & me....she ish so CUTE!!!!
A Korean guy & melissa...
Alicia & Luke...
she so cute...
Erin & Me.... 
melissa & her sister naTasha
Handsome Shuan...
AFter everyThing...i went to gracia hse first...i went ard looking @ her hse...saw a weighing scale...so i stand on it...guess wat??? for e past 3 weeks...i have...LOST 3 kg !!!haha...i am so happy..Gracia & I went 2 Juorng Point 2 meet wei jie...and They drank coffee @ coffee bean...me no $$$ so cannort buy... hahaz...den went back home aFter TaT...haiz..tomolo still haf 2 wake up early...cos i gtg ferr teens camp...so tired sia..falling sick soon...kie...gotta slp liao...bye!
hehez....Finally Jane is back frm Japan trip!! haiz....why e two of them lyk tat huh?? i oso can't understand...what i can do ish 2 hope ferr e best lorr....(close friends shuld noe Tis)okie..enuff of them...yesTerday...together wif Jae Baek, Jerald & Janice....all e Js...hahaz...i am e odd one out...hehez..eat aT gek poh again...nowhere 2 go....afTer TaT...wenT to linlin hse...most popular ferr..i think...cos i need some nail polish remover.......in to e 'palace'...Jae Baek wenT 2 e com & waTch his korean varieTy show...and we juz lie on e bed and look aT e show as if we undersTand... i cooked maggie mee ferr lin & myself...den wash e dishes ferr her...& feed her flu medinice...lyk her maid horr....hahaz...den Jae Baek waTch finish e show & i use e com...they were playing around behind mie... we were fighting againsT Jae Baek..when i wan 2 sit down..he purposly pull e chair off my seat..& i landed on my butt...ouch..then we gather in lin's hse master bedroom...erm..we juz play around...er...jae baek spray waTer on us..e waTer splash on my face..feel itchy a while later...den when Jae Baek went home...i tickle lin alot...den i dun noe how i & Jerald gT into a sofT Toy fight?! e soft toy was lyk hitting my face...i hit his head...most of e Time missed....Then i rest for e while...they continue to hit me...sorrie lin...( u noe i noe)....then we stop...very tiring...i kept on sneezing...i Think e sofT Toy gT dust....i & jerald went hm..after tat...my face was super itchy lorr...Then i scraTch & scraTch until super red...my mothe scolded me..."see la...go put ur face aT e sofT Toy There...see waT happened? teach u a lesson..." Then my mum help me apply cream on to my face lorr...luckliy okie liao...all of them todae nv go sch...and so few pple...5 bio sTudent frm our class onli...then i came home & went online...Jerald sae tat bio student are more lazy than physic students...tat true...hahaz me play few round of games wif him & tok 2 Jane who juz came back frm Japan....HaHa...TaT all ferr yesterday& Today...buai