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hAppi 12th annivesary Pioneer!!!t0dae wake up at 9.30am ...bec0s i got tuition at 11am @ west coast area...haiz...but heng quite fast...by da tym i reach home is alreadi 2 plus..t0ng and hui qing called me and sae muz go alreadi...s0 i quickly go bathe and get ready...
ard 3, we sat a taxi down to tong's mummy de friend salon do hair straightening!!but hor the taxi driver veri de talkative...he can speak all kind of languages...quite talented! hahax....den after lyk 30 mins...my hair was straight..hmmm...hahazz...den she help me plait my hair too...
still quite early...we went to JE to take neoprints with our straightened hair...haha...nice nice...den saw valerie..she is very happy to see tong...c0s tong ish REALLI veri chio todae lorr...den we 4 took neoprints...dey all chio bu seh...
went to MRT to wait for Zhong Ri...and meet huay yin at clementi...all went to makan at KFC...after dat meet choon hwee, Jane and Lin...haha...Jane and lin veri guai cos they both wear knee-length skirt which usually they don...wahaha...den we sat taxi to UCC...
reach there got alot of people..all veri de pretty and handsome lorr...yue ting, tong, jane, lin, jerald,keigi...and alot more...haha:) Jerald the vampire put on earrings....eR...ah beng liao lorr...then realize is FAKE de...when is abt time, we went in to the theatre...starting with the speech by mR nathan then the show... after 1 hr den got 10 mins interval, and we took pics...haha...den continue with the show...during the show the person beside me making piggy sound with the person beside her...actually i oso dun understand the show... aFter the show, we went out of the theatre...i was lyk shivering cold suddenly...brrr! den went out to take a cab back to ST 91 for supper...yummy! esp the sweet N sour pork...muz try! finish eating le den send Jane home ads her hse dere so pian pi de... den we went back and singing songs on the way...hahaha...i sat the bus back and went to drink a cup of ice milo den go to sleep...niteZzzz dat all le bye~~~***
s0 l0ng nva update le cos nth to write hahaz..... Fridae~! hmmm....it a normal school dae with math tests on vectors...s0 fast the bell rings..s0 can h0me sWeet h0me but i went out wif tong tong to buy her 0P "singlet"(dunnoe wad dat called).At the bus stop we saw rachel and she join us in our shopping spree...hahaz Rachel n Me find skirts for tong tong to try but she dun wan...s0 we haf to use FORCE!!! 0nce she tried the skirt...i was lyk wow( maybe becos i nva realli see her wear skirt other den sch skirt) chi0 bu arhx....den we go find shoes for her....the wa wa shoes...so nice but her feet too big le..cannort fit... after dat hungry le...we all went to eat pizza hut...Rachel ate spagttie,me N tong eat pizza...and we order ice-cream too!!10 mins later, hui qing arrived...we order baked pasta for her...we had so much laughter and fun... eating too full went to walk walk...after rachel went home le...the 2 of us find skirt for tong again...den seem lyk JP de THIS FASHON too small...so decide to go JE de...but we went home to bathe and gather at the MRT control station... the both of them late lorr...den we went to JE...within mintues...we settled the skirts....we went took neoprints...me super duper funni...(._.) den the went to eat dinner and HSH!!tomolo gg to NUS Cultural Centre....yuppx...bye
n0w i love to play to game called"Pangya"actually is golf!wahahahz...if gt tym go download and sign up @ www.panyasea.com yuppx...todae gg to xiao tong de hse help her cook the lasagne...but we went to giant (PM) to buy the ingredients...by the tym we select everything...the dark clouds covered the whole area...0h n0...it gonna RAIN s00n...as s00n as we proceed to Mac..strong wind blow and heavy rain started pour...haiz...how to g0 her hse liddat?! she eat her lunch first...after that we went to buy umbellra...she was s0 hyper when she saw the umbellra was printed wif her favourite hello kitty...i wonder wad would she do if it is DoNe-0h~!??hahaz...it cost $8.90 but she lyk it so much and it is raining so heavily... while walking to the bus-stop, the impact of the water from our footsteps splash my pants...wah liao...my pants is wet!!!! argh....all becos of someone singing somewhere and cause the rain to pour down...dunnoe who dat person is??? u all are smarter than me..u shuld noe the ans...hahahaz(wo mei you ren sheng gong ji ni arhx...juz for the sake of joking) after reaching he hse opposite de bus-stop, she tot i wanted to hold de umbellra but i did nt...so in the end the umbellra hit my head...0uch!s0 went her hse prepare all the ingredients den c00k... her mum cooking chicken rice...the smell s0 nice...taste nice too!!hahaz...tat all le byebye
t0dae is g00d fridae.....went to church for service in the morning until lyk 11 plus...after dat went home first...heavy rain pour...den i went to PM to photocopy the storybook c0s i scare Liu lu later cannot remember the story...s0 i suppose to meet him at 1445 but i was late until lyk abt 1500...0h no...the bus slow nt my problem lehx...den i t00k the mrt to JE...he was suppose to meet the others at clementi but was cancelled, and had to alight at next stop and g0 home...haiz...
i went to church for TF CampFire 2006....quite fun and l learnt from Gen tat smelling too much keronsene will make pple *high*wooh00~!den went to take bus home...the bus gt problem wif tapping the card...s0 wasted a lot of tym...end up go home late.
tat all for todae le***
{rEgrEtted}; I hAd aN 0pp0rtUnity iN fR0nt 0F mE bUt I didN't cHerisH iT
sChool without hEr is quitE loNely....but I still see heR afteR sch00l...hv to pass her the homewk and other stuff...tok to her...after tat we went sT 91 to buy my sch shoes N lunch...she went to my hse...eat & play com... den ard 6 plus, we went to the library to search for recipes...go JP buy things...we went to This Fashion...i lyk the skirts..but n0 m0ney...haiz...n0 money is liddat..onli can see :( went for her parents to fetch her home....while waiting, she try to the "ji shi yan jiang" which i hv done at school todae...she veri pro & funni...hope she can win for our MT class...super funni...laugh until i cry...haha' s0 nw sitting at home doing nth...dat all byebye * e HER is AngElyN sEEt Xiao t0ng*
hE0o00o....decided to blog before I do my homework.... juz nw i c00k lasagne at home after cuming back from sch! Yummy...better than the one i did in sch...c0s sch de veri watery,mine at home veri stable...haha...i veri de kua zhang! aNd somesome is asking for it...s0 i promise her tat i will c00k for her during June holidays....hahaha... sch life is abit boring....but gt all my angels wif me...nt boring le! t0dae the maths mock test s0 difficult lorr....my tuition 0ne oso nt dat difficult...haiz...sure fail le... my feet is veri unlucky...yesterday kenna step 2 times...todae kenna step 1 time and a knock on my shoulders...ouch! my bones are weak le...i nt enough calcium...may develop osteoporosis...*die* caN tell me wad to eat to improve mahx??haha :) nth to tok abt le la....gtg do homework le....Byee
EZANNE TAN is her name
One year older on every August 14
Republic Poly, DBC Year 2
Believes in God
A very random girl who
always sleep in odd hours
Love to go around with baby
shopping and food hunting
Beloved Baby
He's of course, who i love.
More sweetness for this please (:
Baby, i love you
is what she adores most.
They are her friends whom she trust most
Play with grabbing doll machine
Can't leave marina square
without going there once
Camwhore with her baby
taking pictures everywhere
to keep memories of us
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
hAppi 12th annivesary Pioneer!!!t0dae wake up at 9.30am ...bec0s i got tuition at 11am @ west coast area...haiz...but heng quite fast...by da tym i reach home is alreadi 2 plus..t0ng and hui qing called me and sae muz go alreadi...s0 i quickly go bathe and get ready...
ard 3, we sat a taxi down to tong's mummy de friend salon do hair straightening!!but hor the taxi driver veri de talkative...he can speak all kind of languages...quite talented! hahax....den after lyk 30 mins...my hair was straight..hmmm...hahazz...den she help me plait my hair too...
still quite early...we went to JE to take neoprints with our straightened hair...haha...nice nice...den saw valerie..she is very happy to see tong...c0s tong ish REALLI veri chio todae lorr...den we 4 took neoprints...dey all chio bu seh...
went to MRT to wait for Zhong Ri...and meet huay yin at clementi...all went to makan at KFC...after dat meet choon hwee, Jane and Lin...haha...Jane and lin veri guai cos they both wear knee-length skirt which usually they don...wahaha...den we sat taxi to UCC...
reach there got alot of people..all veri de pretty and handsome lorr...yue ting, tong, jane, lin, jerald,keigi...and alot more...haha:) Jerald the vampire put on earrings....eR...ah beng liao lorr...then realize is FAKE de...when is abt time, we went in to the theatre...starting with the speech by mR nathan then the show... after 1 hr den got 10 mins interval, and we took pics...haha...den continue with the show...during the show the person beside me making piggy sound with the person beside her...actually i oso dun understand the show... aFter the show, we went out of the theatre...i was lyk shivering cold suddenly...brrr! den went out to take a cab back to ST 91 for supper...yummy! esp the sweet N sour pork...muz try! finish eating le den send Jane home ads her hse dere so pian pi de... den we went back and singing songs on the way...hahaha...i sat the bus back and went to drink a cup of ice milo den go to sleep...niteZzzz dat all le bye~~~***
s0 l0ng nva update le cos nth to write hahaz..... Fridae~! hmmm....it a normal school dae with math tests on vectors...s0 fast the bell rings..s0 can h0me sWeet h0me but i went out wif tong tong to buy her 0P "singlet"(dunnoe wad dat called).At the bus stop we saw rachel and she join us in our shopping spree...hahaz Rachel n Me find skirts for tong tong to try but she dun wan...s0 we haf to use FORCE!!! 0nce she tried the skirt...i was lyk wow( maybe becos i nva realli see her wear skirt other den sch skirt) chi0 bu arhx....den we go find shoes for her....the wa wa shoes...so nice but her feet too big le..cannort fit... after dat hungry le...we all went to eat pizza hut...Rachel ate spagttie,me N tong eat pizza...and we order ice-cream too!!10 mins later, hui qing arrived...we order baked pasta for her...we had so much laughter and fun... eating too full went to walk walk...after rachel went home le...the 2 of us find skirt for tong again...den seem lyk JP de THIS FASHON too small...so decide to go JE de...but we went home to bathe and gather at the MRT control station... the both of them late lorr...den we went to JE...within mintues...we settled the skirts....we went took neoprints...me super duper funni...(._.) den the went to eat dinner and HSH!!tomolo gg to NUS Cultural Centre....yuppx...bye
n0w i love to play to game called"Pangya"actually is golf!wahahahz...if gt tym go download and sign up @ www.panyasea.com yuppx...todae gg to xiao tong de hse help her cook the lasagne...but we went to giant (PM) to buy the ingredients...by the tym we select everything...the dark clouds covered the whole area...0h n0...it gonna RAIN s00n...as s00n as we proceed to Mac..strong wind blow and heavy rain started pour...haiz...how to g0 her hse liddat?! she eat her lunch first...after that we went to buy umbellra...she was s0 hyper when she saw the umbellra was printed wif her favourite hello kitty...i wonder wad would she do if it is DoNe-0h~!??hahaz...it cost $8.90 but she lyk it so much and it is raining so heavily... while walking to the bus-stop, the impact of the water from our footsteps splash my pants...wah liao...my pants is wet!!!! argh....all becos of someone singing somewhere and cause the rain to pour down...dunnoe who dat person is??? u all are smarter than me..u shuld noe the ans...hahahaz(wo mei you ren sheng gong ji ni arhx...juz for the sake of joking) after reaching he hse opposite de bus-stop, she tot i wanted to hold de umbellra but i did nt...so in the end the umbellra hit my head...0uch!s0 went her hse prepare all the ingredients den c00k... her mum cooking chicken rice...the smell s0 nice...taste nice too!!hahaz...tat all le byebye
t0dae is g00d fridae.....went to church for service in the morning until lyk 11 plus...after dat went home first...heavy rain pour...den i went to PM to photocopy the storybook c0s i scare Liu lu later cannot remember the story...s0 i suppose to meet him at 1445 but i was late until lyk abt 1500...0h no...the bus slow nt my problem lehx...den i t00k the mrt to JE...he was suppose to meet the others at clementi but was cancelled, and had to alight at next stop and g0 home...haiz...
i went to church for TF CampFire 2006....quite fun and l learnt from Gen tat smelling too much keronsene will make pple *high*wooh00~!den went to take bus home...the bus gt problem wif tapping the card...s0 wasted a lot of tym...end up go home late.
tat all for todae le***
{rEgrEtted}; I hAd aN 0pp0rtUnity iN fR0nt 0F mE bUt I didN't cHerisH iT
sChool without hEr is quitE loNely....but I still see heR afteR sch00l...hv to pass her the homewk and other stuff...tok to her...after tat we went sT 91 to buy my sch shoes N lunch...she went to my hse...eat & play com... den ard 6 plus, we went to the library to search for recipes...go JP buy things...we went to This Fashion...i lyk the skirts..but n0 m0ney...haiz...n0 money is liddat..onli can see :( went for her parents to fetch her home....while waiting, she try to the "ji shi yan jiang" which i hv done at school todae...she veri pro & funni...hope she can win for our MT class...super funni...laugh until i cry...haha' s0 nw sitting at home doing nth...dat all byebye * e HER is AngElyN sEEt Xiao t0ng*
hE0o00o....decided to blog before I do my homework.... juz nw i c00k lasagne at home after cuming back from sch! Yummy...better than the one i did in sch...c0s sch de veri watery,mine at home veri stable...haha...i veri de kua zhang! aNd somesome is asking for it...s0 i promise her tat i will c00k for her during June holidays....hahaha... sch life is abit boring....but gt all my angels wif me...nt boring le! t0dae the maths mock test s0 difficult lorr....my tuition 0ne oso nt dat difficult...haiz...sure fail le... my feet is veri unlucky...yesterday kenna step 2 times...todae kenna step 1 time and a knock on my shoulders...ouch! my bones are weak le...i nt enough calcium...may develop osteoporosis...*die* caN tell me wad to eat to improve mahx??haha :) nth to tok abt le la....gtg do homework le....Byee