1.What is the best way to get over someone?# er....
2. What makeup do you wear on a daily basis?# nope
3. Is your MSN away message on?# yes.
4. If u could eat one meal for the rest of yourlife, what would it be?# mummy's cooking.
5. What curse word do you use the most?# such as..?
6. Do you own an ipod?# nope.
7. Who on your MSN "Top 8" do you talk tothe most?# xiao tong, shi yun, jerald, xue jiao,paul,alvin(mostly is he tok to me)...last one...i dunnoe
8. What time is your alarm clock set for?# 8
9. Have you ever bid for something on ebay? `# nope
10. Do you wear flip-flops even when it's coldoutside?# yeah. during raining times
11. Where do you buy your groceries from?# NTUC and Giant
12. Would you rather take the picture or be inthe picture?# erh.. see the situation. normally, i am out of the picture
13. What was the last movie u watched?# I not stupid too
14. Do any of your friends have children?# nope.
15. If you won the lottery, what's the firstthing you would buy?# clothes,mp3, hp...but dat will nv happen
16. Has anyone ever called you lazy?# *thinking*
17. Do you ever take medication to help you fallasleep faster?# flu medicine?
18. What CD is currently in your CD player?# dun haf
19. Do you prefer regular or chocolate milk?# wads regular?
20. Has anyone told you a secret this week?# forget.
21. When was the last time someone hit on you?# few days ago bah
22. What did you have for dinner?# yesterday, yee mian
23. What is your biggest fear?# losing somebody around me.
24. What color is your car?# i onli gt bus
25. Can you whistle?# NO! lols. =X
26. What is your favorite Christmas movie?# er.......
27. Do you make your own jewelery?# hahas. no. =X
28. Ever participated in a protest?# no?
29. Who was the last person to call you?# no hp how 2 call???
30. What is your favorite ride at an amusementpark?# rollercoaster
31. What is something you must do everyday?# EAT! =X
32. Have you ever dated one of your best friends?# uh.. yes? no? dunnoe :)
33. What area code are u in right now?# 640***
34. Did you watch cartoons as a child?# yes!
35. How big is your local mall?# how i noe? ask JP lorrx...
36. What is your job title?# full time student
37. What do you miss most?# every happy things dat happened
38. Would you ever sky dive?# nope
39. What are you allergic to?# nothing dat i noe of, for now.
40. What is your biggest regret?# shh....n0 tell
41. Have you ever had Jamba Juice?# no
42. When was the last time you laughed so hardyour sides hurt?# few days ago
43. What movies do you know every line to?# no no
44. Do you own any band t-shirts?# nope
45. What is your favorite candle scent?# none. .
46. When is your next plane ride?# hopefully, after o's?
47. When was your last plane ride?# last yr 19 feb from KL to Singapore
48. Do you crack your knuckles?# no i dun
49. Wat course are you studying now?# lols. o level student study de lorr
50. What is your favourite salad dressing?# thousand island??
MAD section*
1. what do you do when you're mad?` if dere is no one in da hse i juz sream
2. what's the worst thing you've done when youwere mad?` dunnoe
3. ever made anyone cry when you were mad?` dun tink so
4. ever physically hurt someone when you weremad?` no.
5. do you curse when you're mad?` erh.. curse as in?
Crying Section*
1. last time you cried your heart out ?` these few days.
.2. ever cried yourself to sleep?` ya.
3. ever cried on your friend's shoulder?` so far no
4. do you cry when you get an injury?` yesh
5. do certain songs make you cry?` ya. esp graduation tym
Pain Section*.
1. what's the worst thing you've done to somebodyelse?` like wat?
2. how depressed can you get?` lols. very depressed.. how do i give example?
*Happy Section*
1. how much do u smile?`okay!
2. what can make you happy?` sotong's action
3. do you wish you were happier?` lots of times.
4. what about being with your friends, does thatmake u happy?` not realli...
Love Section*.
1. have you ever loved someone so much, thatyou'd die for them?` er...die? probably not
2. did you ever love a person, and tell him/her thatyou love him/her?` no
3.have you loved someone so much, it made youcry?` perhaps
4.has anyone besides your friends and family eversaid 'i love you' to you?` erm...*thinking*....yesh
Hate Section*
1. have you ever hated any one that broke yourheart?`n0t realli hate la...juz hurt
2. do you hate Bush?` n0 c0nnection =X
Self-Esteem Section*
1. is your self-esteem extremely low?` yes!
2. do you believe in yourself?` sometimes....
3. what do you say when people say they think youare good looking/pretty?` it seldom happens...c0s i am not pretty!
4. are you one of those idiots that think they areugly,dumb, and fat?` how i n0e wad pple tink seh?
5. ever wanted to kill yourself cuz you thought youweren't good enough?` maybe
6. are you happy with who you are?` sometimes..lol
ASk to be d0ne by Xiao Tong.....
Rules: Express your love for SEVEN and get others to know more about you. Copy and paste the following into your own blog and complete all SEVEN bullets of the SEVEN questions. Then pick SEVEN people to pass it on! =) Have fun!
SEVEN things that make you smile:
1. actions shown by xiao tong
2. D0 da things i lyk
3. g0 out have fun
4. qian bian wen da ti
5. when taking ne0prints?
6. gif me beautiful suprises
7. when mummy buy stuff dat i wan
SEVEN ways to win my heart:
1. have basic trust
2. show love care & concern
3. be dere for me when needed
4. Be good to me
5. accept for wad i am
6. protect me?
7. sweet stuff**heehee
SEVEN things i believe in:
1. God
2. nothing cums for free
3. peace???
4. confidence
5. Perseverance
6. Motivation
7. bao ying?!
SEVEN things i am afraid of:
1. insects....
2. thunder
3. Pain
4. Sick
5. mummy
6. Loss of relatives.
7. loneliness
SEVEN things i do everyday:
1. Sleep
2. Eat
3. watch tv
4. Use computer
5. Bathe
6. Talk
7. Walk.
SEVEN people i want to see now:
2. my pri 2 teacher
3. tiffany
4. sze ling
5. shi yun
6. mickey mouse
7. my future hubby
SEVEN people i choose to do this:
1. wen xin
2. hui qing
3. yong jie
4. shi ting
5. valerie JWPS
6. sze ling
7. xin yi
school almost take most of my holidays liao....nw is g0nna be the last week le....den school re0pen!Sian~~^_^ next week is my sis 21st birthdae le s0 fast lorr...zhen de bu xiang zhang da....hao kuai orhx...zhai bu jiu w0 men jiu yao fen kai le....hao bu se de orhx....den 0n friday go escape play N play heehee.... i has been a yr i last went....yah~ i am still sick....flu flu...pRelim is c0ming....DIE DIE!!!

s0 gtg le .....bye bye!!!