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Welcome to mylilspace-ezanne.bs Navigations -- L O V E L -- Blog O -- Profile V -- Links & credits E -- Past entries tag before you leave. :D ![]()
Friday, July 20, 2007
wah lia0 ytd super suay lorr....1st, waited for bus till 7.50 ( I got test oso =_=''') 2nd, I stand at the MRT train joint between each cabin...den i got wet cos water leak due to raining.... 3rd, during the test...I couldn't type numbers!! which is important!! half of time gone den can type number ZZZzzzz.... that for ytd.... today is 20072007 nice date for wedding but is weekday too bad =x haha i'm sot! today communication wired topic for media SEX & VIOLENCE LOLs.... my group create a video...rated NC16 so under 16 cannot see!!! must see from top to bottom...den can understand... er... this video made my class laugh man... i took another video... present by another grp.. Melvin & Pritheeba's story... hahahahahaha dat's my day today! Monday, July 09, 2007
today was enterprise lesson...again going to school alone....diiaoxyou will noe who nber go school again... none other than, Mr J and Ms A lols... so super sian when waking up, dun feel lyk waking up...so tired, I want to sleep!!! manage to drag myself up...not late for school oso...0830 i reached liao =D Facii late again...but she did release us in time for once~~ hahaha... do about Conflict...how to solve conflict...although sound easy but is quite hard to find relevant sources that we wanted... so sian... maybe becos Mr J and Ms A nber come school today...lols presentation turn out okay lor... Christina come and ask about shawn... not say we don't want to communicate wif him but dunnoe how.. we try to help him luh... "tight" him wif us to work...lols went home wif pris, bao bao and princess fiona...sat bus 911.. eat KFC wif bao bao and princess fiona... dun haf my fav. miso chicken liao miss it!! on the way home.... cute fiona* hahahahaha dat my day!
[ 06.07.07 ]
Went to school as usual but 2 persons is missing...J***** & A****** they ponteng dat day.... hahaha...把他们的丑事说出来...oopss!! After school, headed down to JurongEast Mrt to meet angelyn...den go bugis to the rest of them...( Janelle,Janice,Jerald,Jae baek,Liulu,Xue jiao and Leon) What a big group of us!!! this meeting is to gather together before our dear Janelle start her school term... we eat steamboat but not tian tian....haha cos the price a little steep! ate somewhere direct oppo bugis junction... very HOT place all is sweating while eating...really STEAMboat.... took pics... liulu & Me [ she is so barbiie wawa] Princess Janiice & me Leon & me Angelyn & me didn't went home straight...went to mac until 1 am...lolx people say I happening sial... For more info, pls refer to http://angelx-illusionx.blogspot.com or http://ms-janelle.blogspot.com
ps. emo-ing during the journey home... only people wif ya shuld noe...=S Thursday, July 05, 2007
A video for u to watch....
hahaa....UTs every week starting from tuesday....
siann arhh... dots... now in class blogging!!! hahah cos finish ppt liao my new facii damn shuang... he bo chap one..can msn play games... but may not learning anything... so must be able to train myself to focus more... hahaha ytd night go edit some photos....hahahahax.... ![]() ![]() it doesn't really seem nice...hahaha LOL ![]() my class setup a blog.... hahaha....feel free to see it~~my interesting W14A <3 Sunday, July 01, 2007
[Sunday*]went to church in the morning but a bit late due to some incident that occur between a cyclist and the bus driver...call police den settle ur problem liao lar fight for wad sial? CHILDISH act.... sunday sch...holy communion...worship service...choir practice...lunchie at bro joesph & bro clive house... my lunch : a cup of green milk tea with pearls!!! =D cos not hungry....then the adults eating their kuay chap and some others...can't rmb liao... after lunch, they talk about the NS 40years stuff...some guys in army do silly stuff...so funny lorr...luff until siaox... haha...brought my laptop dat day...so meddle with it and ask bro edwin to teach me photoshop and install it...having fun editing photos... ![]() [`taken 1 month ago - my kakis] ![]() [my classmate, jolene] ![]() [the blur family & me] ![]() [my first edited photo~proud*] |