Found job as telemarketer (again...)
before that, i said i will not find this type of job..
Oh well, feel so cheated...
it said to be no selling over the phone
just booking appts
but the fact is about the same
just putting nice words...
at least still got gracia with me
if not, i will be dragging to work
i guess my dear will be hearing me
Fa lao shao every single day
and every time i see him
heh... just 1 month only =X
ok just tahan 1 month of work
and school starts again
YEAR 2 need to do PP
sian and gong...
got my GPA, not fab
worse than last sem by o.15
ok, just realize i cannot go to class chalet...
sorry w34d
waiting for friday to come....
so bored lahh...
couldn't find job to do also...
I miss your ___________
(a) being
(b) face
(c) hugs
(d) kisses
the answer is (e) ALL OF THE ABOVE!
going interview tmr at Robinsons!
hope can get the job as store assistant...
work-> $$ -> new handphone!
11 more days...
I can watch L: Change the world!
with my dear of course!
heehee... Deathnote~
1. The phone rings, who do you
want it to be?
`my dear
2. When shopping at the grocery
store, do you return your cart?
` of course
3. If you had to kiss the last person
you kissed again, would you?
`hmmm...yes i would
4. Do you take compliments well?
` depends.
5. Do you play Sudoku?
6 . If abandoned alone in the
wilderness would you survive?
` i guess so because i can survive without water sometimes
7. If your house were on fire, what
would be the first THING you would
` hard to say
8. Who was the last person you slept
in the bed with?
` mum? same room
9. Who do you text the most?
`my dear? but he's online
10 . Favorite children's book?
` Charlie and the chocolate factory
11 . Eye color?
12. How tall are you?
` 160
13. If you could do it over again,
start from scratch, would you?
` it depends
14. Any secret admirers?
` for now, nope
15. does de person u miss misses u?
`hmmm i think so
16. When was the last time you were at
Olive Garden?
`where is it??
17. Favorite ex..?
` none.
18. Where was the nearest place you
` Around my home?
19 . Do you like mustard?
` not too much
20. Do you prefer to sleep or eat?
21. Do you miss anyone?
22. Can you do splits?
23. What movie do you want to see?
` L movie for now
24. What did you do for New Year's Eve?
` At church for service and to Joe's place
25. Do you think The Grudge was
` still okay lah
26. Do you own a camera phone?
` sadly i lost mine :(
27. Was your mom a cheerleader?
` no...
28. What's the last letter of your
middle name?
` G
29. Are you hispanic?
` of course not
30 . Do you like care bears?
` no comments
31. What do you buy at the Movies?
` tickets and food
32. Do you know how to play poker?
` not too sure
33. Do you wear your seatbelt?
` not now really
34. What do you wear to sleep?
` clothes??
35. Anything big ever happen in your
`like wad?
36. Is your hair straight or curly?
` not really straight
37. Is your tongue pierced?
` Ouch! no!
38. Do you like Liver and onions?
39. Do you like funny or serious
people better?
` depend on situations
40. Ever been to L.A.?
` no :(
41. Who is on your mind right now?
` one other than him
42.any plans 4 tonight?
` is midnight now
43. Whats your fav. song at the moment?
` Baby your my destiny.. my blog song
44 . Do you hate chocolate?
` ermmm... not really
45. What do you and your parents fight
about the most?
` not cleaning my room
46. Are you a gullible person?
` most likely
47. Do you need a boyfriend/girlfriend
to be happy?
` i don't know but i am happy now
48 . If you could have any job what
would it be?
` be a Tai Tai? ermm... teacher?
49. Are you easy to get along with?
` should be
50. What is your favorite time of day?
` Night time
51. Are you generally a happy person?
` hard to say
52. when was the last time you slept very
` everyday!
53. who was the person you last kissed besides
your parents?
` erm... u say leh?
54. if you could have a wish,what will you wish for?
` I don't know
Happy Valentine's Day to all!
whether u have someone or not...
This is my very first valentine's day with my dear
same to him too...
so nice! HAHA
Really Paise and Thank God...
Timing is just right..
I need not go undergound status with him anymore
I can guang ming zhen da de pai tuo liao...
My mum gave us the green light..
Celebrated our valentine's day ytd...
partly is to avoid the crowd today...
woke up at 10plus to prepare for the date
1st stop of the day... Changi Airport
see the new T3 very clean and green with a lot of glass...
had popeye's at T1
their mashed potatoes is yummy
had 2 of it!
walked to the viewing halls
and open the present he gave me...
A personalized card, 6 beautiful roses and
a pretty necklaces...
headed off to T3 viewing hall...
see SQ plane take off...
sat down for a while
continue to watch Just Follor Law
left airport to vivo city for dinner..
had japanese bbq.. good food & very nice price (ex...)
went in to sentosa..for the musical fountain and flower festival
found fiona and had yummy ice-cream
Musical fountain... better than what i saw last time cos is not raining..
Back to boon home
but i don't want to go home yet...
my dear knows me well and what i thinking
so went to my block downstairs de bench and sit...
was talking about how to tell and when to tell my mum about us
thank God that all has been settled today :)
chatting and playing around.. HAHA
Had a very Sweet night/morning...
Our cannot fly bird..*flap flap*
becomes hearts...
HAHA only He knows what i meant...
went home at 1am...
dear sat cab home... :p
My 1st valentine's day...
Mummy, its over...!
Now for photos... mainly is us..
so if u don't see just click 'X' on the top right hand...